This game is very good, and after only one month, Ive logged lots and lots of time on this game. The graphics and gameplay are well suited to any device worth its cash, and is by far the best MOBA on the app store. The content is amazing and the new game mode made me even more addicted to it. The dev team is also very active and releases new skins and champs fairly actively (new champ/skins every 3 months or so) and also release new limited time content such as Killer Bunny Rona.
However, I must say that this current build is far from perfect, with issues that are very apparent even to just casual players. First of all, the Battle Royale isnt worth playing at all unless you want some fun. ~10 glory per game is okay, but without any daily quests for more than that makes it almost completely obsolete. Secondly, the matchmakers a bit broken. My friends and I were playing in a 3 man party, and somehow we ended up facing people who wiped us flawlessly. The kill count 3 us and 35 them, and by far the most stacked game against me I had played. Finally, there are quite a few bugs in this game such as broken V.S. screens, to taps not registering and many others.
Many in this review section are confused about the mechanics of some of these events.
- the Killer Bunny Rona cards are rewarded once a day after a win, therefore cant be destroyed as they are absurdly common.
- most bugs can be fixed by simply exiting and returning.
Dragonix27 about Vainglory, v1.17.0