I was just playing a ranked match me and this other guy had lane and jungle characters showing that we wanted to play, then during the last 10 seconds of the selection one of them instalocks a jungle, so he also locks in jungle. I understand this happens but then I got a friend request from one of the guys and they just started cussing me out. My next ranked match I got paired with the same guy, and then the next ranked match I got paired with the guy that instalock ex two games earlier, of course locking in again immediately. So I didnt want to play with him and I didnt lock in a hero, then I got banned for 15 minutes. This is very frustrating since you have to play with whoever this game gives you and have teamwork, but they dont give you a chat system to work it out. Im tired of paying for the match makings mistakes. Try adding a certain amount of times you dont have to lock in a match per day, at least for ranked matches because it matters there most.